books by subject

Experimental Economics: Volume II: Economic Applications

Capital and the Debt Trap: Learning from cooperatives in the global crisis

Issues in Contemporary Economics: v. 2: Macroeconomics and Econometrics

Complexity and Institutions: Markets, Norms and Corporations

Economic and Monetary Union Macroeconomic Policies: Current Practices and Alternatives

Economics and Social Conflict: Evil Actions and Evil Social Institutions in Virtual Worlds

Alfred Marshall and Modern Economics: Equilibrium Theory and Evolutionary Economics

David Ricardo

Keynes for the Twenty-First Century: The Continuing Relevance of The General Theory

Keynes for the Twenty-First Century: The Continuing Relevance of The General Theory

Dennis Robertson

Adam Smith: A Moral Philosopher and His Political Economy

Cooperatives and Socialism: A View from Cuba

The Life Cyclists: Fisher, Keynes, Modigliani and Friedman

John Maynard Keynes and the Economy of Trust: The Relevance of the Keynesian Social Thought in a Global Society

The Job Guarantee: Toward True Full Employment

Marx, Marginalism and Modern Sociology: From Adam Smith to Max Weber

Palgrave Handbook of International Trade

Emergent Globalization: A New Triad of Business Systems

Evaluating Econometric Forecasts of Economic and Financial Variables

Capitalism without Capital: Accounting for the crash

Finance and the Macroeconomics of Environmental Policies

The Global Macro Economy and Finance

The Manipulation of Choice: Ethics and Libertarian Paternalism

Governing Global Finance: The Evolution and Reform of the International Financial Architecture

International Historical Statistics: Europe, 1750-1993

A Time for Choosing: Free Enterprise in Twenty-First Century Britain

Gender Equality and Inequality in Rural India: Blessed with a Son

Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith