books by subject
Economic Conditions

Advances in International Environmental Politics

The Road to International Financial Stability: Are Key Financial Standards the Answer?

Latin America's Emerging Middle Classes: Economic Perspectives

Beyond Free Trade: Alternative Approaches to Trade, Politics and Power

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: The Contribution of Economic Theory and Related Disciplines

Developmental Pathways to Poverty Reduction

Minsky, Crisis and Development

The BRICs, US 'Decline' and Global Transformations

Global Governance and Regulatory Failure: The Political Economy of Banking

The Gulf States in International Political Economy

Central Bank Regulation and the Financial Crisis: A Comparative Analysis

Antitrust Institutions and Policies in the Globalising Economy

Development Challenges and Solutions After the Arab Spring

Power and Politics After Financial Crises: Rethinking Foreign Opportunism in Emerging Markets

Institutional Change and Economic Behaviour

The Social Impact of the Asia Crisis

Transnational Transfers and Global Development

Monetary Policy in Transition: Inflation Nexus Money Supply in Postcommunist Russia

Economic and Financial Developments in Latin America

Reforming the Financial Sector in Central European Countries

Global Capitalism Unbound: Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing

The Age of Productivity: Transforming Economies from the Bottom Up

World Armament and World Hunger: A Call for Action

Corruption, Politics and Development: The Role of the World Bank

Regulating the Financial Sector in the Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Political Economy and Management

Labour Relations and Industrial Performance in Brazil: Greater Sao Paulo, 1945-1960

Borderless Economics: Chinese Sea Turtles, Indian Fridges, and the New Fruits of Global Capitalism

Reforming Pensions in Developing and Transition Countries

Governing Risk: The IMF and Global Financial Crises