books by subject
Economic Labour

Freedom of Contract and Paternalism: Prospects and Limits of an Economic Approach

Masculinities in Transition

Inequalities During and After Transition in Central and Eastern Europe

Minimum Wages, Collective Bargaining and Economic Development in Asia and Europe: A Labour Perspective

Alternative Work Organizations

Art and Aesthetics at Work

Women's Work in Britain and France: Practice, Theory and Policy

Central and East European Migrants' Contributions to Social Protection

Fair Trade and the Citizen-Consumer: Shopping for Justice?

Class, Gender and the Family Business

Ethnicity and Gender at Work: Inequalities, Careers and Employment Relations

Policy, Politics and Poverty in South Africa

Citizen's Income and Welfare Regimes in Latin America: From Cash Transfers to Rights

The Job Guarantee: Toward True Full Employment

The Road to Nissan: Flexibility, Quality, Teamwork

Globalisation and Labour Market Adjustment

Redirections in the Study of Expert Labour: Established Professions and New Expert Occupations

Expats and the Labor Force: The Story of the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

The Body Language of Trees: A Handbook for Failure Analysis

The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects: What will migration look like in 2045?

The Economic Effects of Trade Unions in Japan

The Changing Nature of the Graduate Labour Market: Media, Policy and Political Discourses in the UK

Human Resources, Employment and Development

Human Resources, Employment and Development

Human Resources, Employment and Development

A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology and Creating Jobs for All: The Future Belongs to Work That Is Meaningful

Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality

Growing Income Inequalities: Economic Analyses

The EU and the Domestic Politics of Welfare State Reforms: Europa, Europae