books by subject
Economic Policy & Development
The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences
Global Governance and Japan: The Institutional Architecture
Conflict and Development
New Regionalism in the Global Political Economy: Theories and Cases
Power and Resistance in the New World Order
Making Capitalism Without Capitalists: The New Ruling Elites in Eastern Europe
Commodifying Communism: Business, Trust, and Politics in a Chinese City
Leadership Theory and Research: A Critical Approach to New and Existing Paradigms
The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are So Rich and Some are So Poor
The Great Divide
Globalisation, Multilateralism, Europe: Towards a Better Global Governance?
The Great Eurozone Disaster: From Crisis to Global New Deal
China Against the Tides, 3rd Ed.: Restructuring through Revolution, Radicalism and Reform
China's Economic Transformation
Land Filled with Flies: A Political Economy of the Kalahari
An African Miracle: State and Class Leadership and Colonial Legacy in Botswana Development
Famine That Kills: Darfur, Sudan, 1984-85
Technopoles of the World: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes
The Politics of Economic Power in Southern Africa
The Politics of Economic Power in Southern Africa
Latin America, Economic Imperialism and the State: The Political Economy of the External Connection from Independence to the Present
The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth
The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy
Africa's Moment
Building State Capacity in Africa: New Approaches, Emerging Lessons
The Poor and the Powerless: Economic Policy and Change in the Caribbean
Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa
An Enterprise Map of Tanzania
Manoeuvring in an Environment of Uncertainty: Structural Change and Social Action in Sub-Saharan Africa