books by subject
Economic Theory & Philosophy

The Contribution of Human Capital towards Economic Growth in China

Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part IV, England, the Ordinal Revolution and the Road to Serfdom, 1931-50

Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part V, Hayek's Great Society of Free Men

Stories to Tell Your Students: Transforming toward Organizational Growth

An Enquiry into the Ideology and Reality of Market and Market System

Rationality, Bounded Rationality and Microfoundations: Foundations of Theoretical Economics

Central and East European Migrants' Contributions to Social Protection

Submerging Markets: The Impact of Increased Financial Regulations on the Future Growth Rates of BRICS Countries

The Changing Worlds and Workplaces of Capitalism

The Global Economic Crisis and the Future of Migration: Issues and Prospects: What will migration look like in 2045?

Adam Smith: A Moral Philosopher and His Political Economy

Modern Bank Behaviour

Cooperatives and Socialism: A View from Cuba

Software Business Start-up Memories: Key Decisions in Success Stories

The Life Cyclists: Fisher, Keynes, Modigliani and Friedman

Gunnar Myrdal: An Intellectual Biography

Growing Income Inequalities: Economic Analyses

Central Banks and Coded Language: Risks and Benefits

Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality

Monetary Policy and the Onset of the Great Depression: The Myth of Benjamin Strong as Decisive Leader

Gender Equality and Inequality in Rural India: Blessed with a Son

Propriety and Prosperity: New Studies on the Philosophy of Adam Smith

Regional Integration and Policy Challenges in Africa

Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory: Volume Three: Sraffa's Legacy: Interpretations and Historical Perspectives

Governing Global Finance: The Evolution and Reform of the International Financial Architecture

Migration States and Welfare States: Why Is America Different from Europe?

The Industrial Policy Revolution II: Africa in the Twenty-first Century

John Maynard Keynes and the Economy of Trust: The Relevance of the Keynesian Social Thought in a Global Society

Palgrave Handbook of International Trade