books by subject
Education & Reference Material for Young Adults

Missed Call

The Romantic Rebellion: Romantic Versus Classic Art

William Golding's Lord of the Flies: Acting Edition

OCR Business Studies for GCSE, 2nd edition

Rollercoasters: Into That Forest

Rollercoasters: Into That Forest

Electronic Products (Real-World Technology)

Sikh Holy Days

Modular Courses in Technology: Pneumatics: Tchrs'

I Spy: A Book of Picture Riddles (Picture Books)

Skylanders Mask of Power: Lightning Rod Faces the Cyclops Queen: Book 3

New Way Green Level Parallel goodbye/Little Red Hen & Other Stories

Spooky Poems

A Christmas Carol: Annotation-Friendly Edition (Ideal for GCSE students!)

50 Bible Dramas for Children

Mixing it Up with Harry Potter: 12 Sessions on Faith for 9-13s

King Lear

Huckleberry Finn

Junior Praise: Combined Music Edition

Heat and Dust

My Hen is Dancing (Read & Wonder)

South and North, East and West

Shake Before Opening


Aiming for an A in A-level Business

Pudding and Pie

Our Country's Good: Based on the novel 'The Playmaker' by Thomas Keneally

The Connell Guide to Shakespeare's Hamlet

Modern Languages Study Guides: No et moi: Literature Study Guide for AS/A-level French (Film and literature guides)