books by subject
Egyptian History

The Search for Cleopatra

Black Athena Revisited

Social Science Organisation and Policy: Belgium, Chile, Egypt, Hungary, Nigeria, Sri Lanka 1st Series

Britain and the Suez Crisis

When Boundaries Become Borders: The Impact of Boundary-making in Southern Sudan's Frontier Zones

Inside Egypt: The Road to Revolution in the Land of the Pharaohs

Soldiers, Spies, and Statesmen: Egypt's Road to Revolt

Liberalism without Democracy: Nationhood and Citizenship in Egypt, 1922-1936

The Battle for the Arab Spring - Revolution, Counter-Revolution and the Making of a New Era

A History of Egypt: From the Earliest Times to the Present

The Arab Rediscovery of Europe: A Study in Cultural Encounters

Nuer Dilemmas: Coping with Money, War, and the State

Essential History Guides: Ancient Egypt

The History of Modern Egypt: From Muhammad Ali to Mubarak

British-Egyptian Relations from Suez to the Present Day

The Society of the Muslim Brothers



In Search of a Peace Settlement: Egypt and Israel between the Wars, 1967-1973

Cairo, the Glory Years: Who Built What, When, Why and for Whom...

Egyptian-Indian Nationalist Collaboration and the British Empire

Inside Egypt: The Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a Revolution

The First Sudanese Civil War: Africans, Arabs, and Israelis in the Southern Sudan, 1955-1972

Excavating The Past: Ancient Egypt

Trans-Saharan Africa in World History

City of the Sharp-Nosed Fish: Greek Lives in Roman Egypt

The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt, Revised and Updated

The Journey to Tahrir: Revolution, Protest, and Social Change in Egypt

Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean