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Electrical Engineering

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Securing Electricity Supply in the Cyber Age: Exploring the Risks of Information and Communication Technology in Tomorrow's Electricity ... in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, 15)

By Lukszo, Zofia, Deconinck, Geert, Weijnen, Margot P. C.

Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion: 17 (ERCOFTAC Series, 17)

By Merci, Bart, Roekaerts, Dirk, SADIKI, AMSINI

Educating the Engineer for the 21st Century: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Global Engineering Education

By Weichert, D., Rauhut, B., Schmidt, R.

Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics

By Sen, P. C.

Enterprise Mobility: Tiny Technology with Global Impact on Work (Technology, Work and Globalization)

By Sørensen, C.

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

By Rizzoni, Giorgio

How Things Work: Electrical Gadgets

By Deane-Pratt, Ade

Lehrbuch der Software-Technik - Software-Entwicklung - mit 2 CD-ROM

By Balzert, Helmut

Transmission Lines: Equivalent Circuits, Electromagnetic Theory, and Photons (The Cambridge RF and Microwave Engineering Series)

By Collier, Richard

Electrical Installation Work: Level 2: EAL Edition

By Linsley, Trevor

Electrical Principles IV

By Green, D. C.

Basic Electrical and Electronic Engineering

By Bell, F. G., Whitehead, R. W.

Electronics II

By Green, D. C.

Electronics III

By Green, D. C.

Electronics (Made Simple Books)

By Olsen, G.H.

Hughes Electrical & Electronic Technology

By Hughes, Edward, McKenzie Smith, Mr Ian, Hiley, Dr John, Brown, Dr Keith

Introduction to Power Electronics

By Hart, Daniel W.

Circuits, Devices and Systems: First Course in Electrical Engineering

By Smith, Ralph J., Dorf, Richard C.

Semiconductor Devices (Tutorial Guides in Electronic Engineering)

By Sparkes, J.

Energy and Environment: Select Proceedings of ICWEES-2016: 80 (Water Science and Technology Library, 80)

By Singh, Vijay P, Yadav, Shalini, Yadava, Ram Narayan

Selected papers from the 2nd International Symposium on UAVs, Reno, U.S.A. June 8-10, 2009

By Valavanis, Kimon P., Beard, Randal, Oh, Paul, Ollero, Aníbal, Piegl, Leslie A., Shin, Hayong

Primary Theory of Electromagnetics (Power Systems)

By Eom, Hyo J.

Atmospheric Icing of Power Networks

By Farzaneh, Masoud

Tackling Long-Term Global Energy Problems: The Contribution of Social Science: 52 (Environment & Policy, 52)

By Spreng, Daniel, Flüeler, Thomas, Goldblatt, David L., Minsch, Jürg

Fisheries Acoustics: 5 (Fish & Fisheries Series, 5)

By MacLennan, D.N., Simmonds, E.J.

Energy-Aware System Design: Algorithms and Architectures

By Kyung, Chong-Min, Yoo, Sungjoo

Finite Time Thermodynamics of Power and Refrigeration Cycles

By Kaushik, Shubhash C., Tyagi, Sudhir K., Kumar, Pramod

Electronic Logic Circuits

By Gibson, J.

Basic Electrical Installation Work

By Linsley, Trevor

An Introduction to Control and Measurement with Microcomputers (Electronics Texts for Engineers and Scientists)

By Dalglish, R.L