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Electronics & Telecommunications Engineering

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Upgrading and Repairing PCs (Eleventh Edition)

By Mueller, Scott

Complete Idiot's Guide to Upgrading and Repairing PCs

By Fulton, Jennifer

Principles of Verifiable RTL Design: A functional coding style supporting verification processes in Verilog

By Bening, Lionel, Foster, Harry D.

Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing before Cybernetics (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)

By Mindell, David A.

Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research (Communication)

By Riffe, Daniel, Lacy, Stephen, Fico, Frederick

The Art of Walt Disney: from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms

By Finch, Christopher

Handbook of Contamination Control in Microelectronics and Technology: Principles, Applications and Technology (Materials Science & Process Technology)

By Donald L. Tolliver

Electro-Optics Handbook

By G. R. Elion

Ceramic Materials for Electronics, Second Edition (Electrical Engineering & Electronics)

Plasma Deposited Thin Films

By Joe Mort

The Mobile Communications Handbook (Electrical Engineering Handbook)

Foundations of Mobile Radio Engineering

By Michel Daoud Yacoub

Fine Chemicals for the Electronics Industry II: No.2 (Special Publications)

Fifty Projects Using Relays, S.C.R.'s and Triacs (Bernard Babani Publishing Radio & Electronics Books)

By Rayer, Francis George

Integrated Circuit 555 Projects (BP S.)

By E.A. Parr

Electronic Circuits for the Computer Control of Robots (Bernard Babani Publishing Radio & Electronics Books)

By Penfold, R. A.

An Introduction to Loudspeakers and Enclosure Design (BP S.)

By Capel, Vivian

How to Use Oscilloscopes and Other Test Equipment

By R. A. Penfold, Penfold, R. A.

High Power Audio Amplifier Construction (BP S.)

By R. A. Penfold

Preamplifier and Filter Circuits (BP S.)

By Penfold, R. A.

An Introduction to the Electromagnetic Wave (BP)

By Wilson, F.A.

Circuit Source: Bk. 2 (BP S.)

By Penfold, R. A.

Easy PC Interfacing (BP S.)

By Penfold, R. A.

Practical Remote Control Projects (BP S.)

By Bishop, O.N.

Robotic Technology (IEE control engineering series)

By Pugh, A.

Real Time Computer Control (IEE control engineering series)

By Bennett, Stuart, Linkens, D. A.

Non-linear System Design (IEE control engineering series)

By Billings, Stephen A., etc.

Application of Artificial Intelligence to Command and Control Systems (Computing Series, No 13)

By Harris, C. J.

Communications: An international history of the formative years (History and Management of Technology)

By Burns, Russell W.

The Electric Circuits (Problem Solvers)

By Editors of Rea