books by subject

The Cambridge Factfinder: Updated Edition 1995

A to Z of Almost Everything

Plantfinder'S Guide to Tender Perennials

Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science

Automated Reasoning: Introduction and Applications

Swimming with Dolphins: A factual acount of how a girl realizes her dream to swim with dolphins. (Collins Big Cat)

Angler's Directory

The Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern Thought

The Hutchinson Paperback Encyclopedia

Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa

"Economist" Desk Companion: How to Convert, Calculate and Define Practically Anything

Dictionary of Nanotechnology

The Thinking Computer: Mind Inside Matter

Information, Mechanism and Meaning

Whitaker's Almanack: 2011

Introduction to Problem Solving: BASIC

Artificial Intelligence

Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine

The Penguin Dictionary of Quotations from Shakespeare

Sociology (Collins Dictionary of)

Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Science

Handbook of Plastics, Elastomers, and Composites

Dictionary of Dreams (An A-z of the Meaning of Dreams, with Guides to Dream Symbolism and Dream Interpretation)

Irish Gem Dictionary: The world's favourite mini dictionaries (Collins Gem)

Handbook of Organizational and Managerial Innovation

Food Technology Glossary

Chocolate Box Girls: Summer's Dream

An Einstein Encyclopedia

Comprehensive Dictionary of Physical Chemistry