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Engineering Teaching Aids

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Vocational A-level: Hospitality & Catering

By Aslett, Mary

Getting into Engineering Courses

By Burnett, James

Science for Engineering

By Bird BSc (Hons) CEng CMath CSci FIET MIEE FIIE FIMA FCollT, John

The Theory of Hospitality and Catering 12th Edition (A Hodder Education Publication)

By Foskett, David, Paskins, Patricia

Why Buildings Stand Up: The Strength of Architecture: Strength of Architecture from the Pyramids to the Skyscraper

By Mario Salvadori

The Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management: Principles and Practice (The Principles for Responsible Management Education Series)

By Molthan-Hill, Petra

Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle (Vintage Departures)

By Everett, Daniel L

Internet-Linked Introduction to Genes & DNA

By Anna Claybourne, Felicity Brooks, Stephen Moncrieff, Stephen Moncrieff

Science, Technology and Society

By Andrews, David

Retooling: A Historian Confronts Technological Change (The MIT Press)

By Williams, Rosalind

Floating or Sinking (Acorn: Properties of Materials)

By Guillain, Charlotte

Safeguards in the School Laboratory

By Association for Science Education

Truck (My First Board Book)


Energy Revolution: Geothermal Energy

By Eboch, M. M.

Fundamentals of Sustainable Development

By Roorda, Niko

Understanding Sustainable Development

By Blewitt, John

Sustainability: All That Matters

By Chris Goodall

Green Technology (Science and Technology)

By Coad, John, Oxford Designers and Illustrators

Microelectronics: Digital and Analog Circuits and Systems

By Millman, Jacob, Grabel, Arvin

Look I'm an Engineer (Look! I'm Learning)


Who Walks in Space?: Working in Space (Wild Work)

By Linda Tagliaferro

Fourier Transform and Its Applications (McGraw-Hill electrical and electronic engineering series)

By Ronald N. Bracewell, Bracewell, Ronald N.

Machines in the Office (Discoveries & Inventions) (Discoveries & Inventions S.)

By Rodney Dale, Rebecca Weaver

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

By Yuval Noah Harari, Harari, Yuval Noah

Made In Brunel 2012: Journeys Fuelled By Ideas

By Brunel University

Design of V. M. O. S. Circuits: With Experiments

By Stone, Robert T., Berlin, Howard M.

Know Your Own Oscilloscope

By Middleton, Robert G.

Troubleshooting with the Oscilloscope

By Middleton, Robert G.


By Adams, A., Gardiner

Teach Yourself Origami New Edition (TYAC)

By Harbin, Robert