books by subject
Engines & Power Transmission

Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics and Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines

Applied Fluid Mechanics

Materials for Springs

Richard Trevithick

Internal Fire: The Internal Combustion Engine, 1673-1900

Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists Student Solutions Manual

Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists

Trains, Planes and Automobiles

Radiation Heat Transfer

The Practical Pumping Handbook

Lincolnshire Windmills on Old Picture Postcards

A Brief History of the Age of Steam

Return to Steam: 40 Years of Main Line Steam in Colour

Water and Wind Power by Martin Watts

Essay on Machines in General (1786): Text, Translations and Commentaries. Lazare Carnot's Mechanics - Volume 1: 47 (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 47)

George Stephenson: The remarkable life of the founder of the railways

Modern Methods of Construction Design: Proceedings of ICMD 2013 (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

Risks in Modern Society: 13 (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, 13)

The Motor Car: Past, Present and Future (Mechanical Engineering Series)

The Automotive Chassis: Volume 1: Components Design (Mechanical Engineering Series)

Multibody Dynamics: Computational Methods and Applications: 4 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 4)

Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 5th International Conference: 25 (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 25)

Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues: Volume I: 47 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 47)

Automotive Mechatronics: Operational and Practical Issues: Volume II: 52 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 52)

Mechanism Design for Robotics: Proceedings of the 4th IFToMM Symposium on Mechanism Design for Robotics: 66 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 66)

The 11th IFToMM International Symposium on Science of Mechanisms and Machines: 18 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 18)

Vibration of Hydraulic Machinery: 11 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 11)

New Trends in Educational Activity in the Field of Mechanism and Machine Theory: 2014-2017: 64 (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 64)

Social Networks in the History of Innovation and Invention: 22 (History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 22)