books by subject
History of England

Alfred the Great: The Man Who Made England

Shakespeare's Restless World: An Unexpected History in Twenty Objects

Wren's London

British Press Since the War (David & Charles sources for contemporary issues series)

Georgian Cities of Britain

Shakespeare's Eden: Commonwealth of England, 1558-1629 (History & Literature)

The Place Names of Sussex

Early Modern England: A Social History, 1550-1760
Government and Community: England, 1450-1509 (The New History of England series)

1066: The Year of The Three Battles

Days In The Life: Voices from the English Underground, 1961-71

The Englishman's Food: Five Centuries of English Diet

The King's Cardinal: Rise and Fall of Cardinal Wolsey

The Workhouse: A Social History

Preserved Locomotives

The Jacobites

Poverty and Policy in Tudor & Stuart England (Themes In British Social History)

Albion's People: English Society, 1714-1815 (Social and Economic History of England)

The Emergence of a Nation State 1529-1660: The Commonwealth of England 1529-1660 (2nd Edition) (Foundations of Modern Britain)

Tudor Rebellions (Seminar Studies In History)

Burghley: William Cecil, Lord Burghley (Profiles In Power)

Eighteenth Century England (History of English)

The Age of Elizabeth: England Under the Later Tudors, 1547-1603 (Society & Economic History of English)

England, 1868-1914: The Age of Urban Democracy (A History of England)

The Stuart Age: England, 1603-1714

History of England: This Realm of England, 1399 to 1688 v. 2 (A history of England)

The Reformation and the English People

Peace, Print and Protestantism, 1450-1558 (The Paladin history of England)