books by subject
European & European Descent Studies

Russia and Azerbaijan – A Borderland in Transition (Engineering Process Improvement)

Active Labour Market Policies and Welfare Reform: Europe and the US in Comparative Perspective

EU Civil Society: Patterns of Cooperation, Competition and Conflict

Youth Participation in Democratic Life: Stories of Hope and Disillusion

Chinese Migration to Europe: Prato, Italy, and Beyond

Nation-Building and Identity in Europe: The Dialogics of Reciprocity

Medieval Europeans: Studies in Ethnic Identity and National Perspectives in Medieval Europe

Citing Shakespeare: The Reinterpretation of Race in Contemporary Literature and Art

The Education of British South Asians: Ethnicity,Capital and Class Structure

The Racialisation of British Policing

EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Race and Racism In 70's Britain

Hybrid Hate: Jews, Blacks, and the Question of Race

Romania: Borderland of Europe

The Germans of the Soviet Union

Minority Education: From Shame to Struggle: 40 (Multilingual Matters)

Other Germans: Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich

Europe's Established and Emerging Immigrant Communities: Assimilation, Multiculturalism or Integration

The African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities

St James' Fair

Black and British: A Forgotten History

I Met Lucky People: The Story of the Romani Gypsies

A People Apart: A Political History of the Jews in Europe 1789-1939

The Wolf (The UNDER THE NORTHERN SKY Series, Book 1): A sweeping epic fantasy

Last Jews in Berlin

Empire's Children: Race, Filiation, and Citizenship in the French Colonies

The Burning Bush: Antisemitism and World History

Memoirs Fortunate

The Refuge and the Fortress: Britain and the Flight from Tyranny

Jews of Moslem Spain VI