books by subject
European Governments & Politics

Neoliberal Labour Governments and the Union Response: The Politics of the End of Labourism

Militarism and the British Left, 1902-1914

Italy's Social Revolution: Charity and Welfare from Liberalism to Fascism

The Sarkozy Presidency: Breaking the Mould?

Research Methods in European Union Studies

The EU, ASEAN and Interregionalism: Regionalism Support and Norm Diffusion between the EU and ASEAN

Changing France: The Politics that Markets Make

The Europeanization of British Politics

Europeanization: New Research Agendas

The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government

Comparative Politics and Government of the Baltic States: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the 21st Century

Nature, Technology and Cultural Change in Twentieth-Century German Literature: The Challenge of Ecocriticism

European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience

The European Union and the Council of Europe

Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense

Politics, Finance, and the People

Media, Culture and Society in Putin's Russia

Political Parties in Multi-Level Polities: The Nordic Countries Compared

The Holocaust, Fascism and Memory: Essays in the History of Ideas

Societal Actors in European Integration: Polity-Building and Policy-making 1958-1992

A Nuclear Weapons-Free World?: Britain, Trident and the Challenges Ahead

The Race for the White House from Reagan to Clinton: Reforming Old Systems, Building New Coalitions

Pathways to Peace: America and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

New Humanitarianism: Britain and Sierra Leone, 1997-2003

Perceptions of the EU in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: Looking in from the Outside

Discursive Constructions of Identity in European Politics

Germany and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: Between Europeanization and National Adaptation

Africa and the European Union: A Strategic Partnership

The Media and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita: Lost and Found