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European Governments & Politics

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The 'Community Method': Obstinate or Obsolete?

By R. Dehousse

United States and Britain in Diego Garcia: The Future of a Controversial Base

By P. Sand

Anti-Communist Minorities in the U.S.: Political Activism of Ethnic Refugees

By I. Zake

European Cosmopolitanism in Question

By R. Robertson, A. Krossa

Britain Decides: The UK General Election 2005

By J. Tonge, A. Geddes

Research Design in European Studies: Establishing Causality in Europeanization

By T. Exadaktylos, C. Radaelli

The Future of Entrepreneurship in Latin America

By E. Brenes, J. Haar

Comparing Devolved Governance

By D. Birrell

The European Union and Global Development: An 'Enlightened Superpower' in the Making?

By S. Ganzle, S. Grimm, D. Makhan

Right-Wing Extremism in Contemporary Germany

By G. Braunthal

Cameron and the Conservatives: The Transition to Coalition Government

By T. Heppell, D. Seawright

The European Union in Global Security: The Politics of Impact

By R. Ginsberg, S. Penksa

The Ideology of Tyranny: Bataille, Foucault, and the Postmodern Corruption of Political Dissent

By G. Preparata

Modernism and British Socialism

By Thomas Linehan

Europeanization, European Integration and Financial Services: Developing Theoretical Frameworks and Methodological Perspectives

By K. Howell

American Immigration and Ethnicity: A Reader

By D. Gerber, A. Kraut

Current Economic Issues in EU Integration

By M. Baimbridge, J. Harrop, G. Philippidis

The EU as a Global Security Actor: A Comprehensive Analysis beyond CFSP and JHA

By C. Kaunert, K. Zwolski

Occupying Political Science: The Occupy Wall Street Movement from New York to the World

By E. Welty, M. Bolton, M. Nayak, C. Malone

Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization

By H. Kriesi, D. Bochsler, J. Matthes, S. Lavenex, M. Buhlmann

Turkey and the European Union: Christian and Secular Images of Islam

By P. Levin

Constructing South East Europe: The Politics of Balkan Regional Cooperation

By Dimitar Bechev

Policing in England and Wales, 1918-39: The Fed, Flying Squads and Forensics

By K. Laybourn, D. Taylor

Think-Tanks, Social Democracy and Social Policy

By H. Pautz

Citizens' Initiatives in Europe: Procedures and Consequences of Agenda-Setting by Citizens

By M. Setala, T. Schiller

Teaching Politics and International Relations

By C. Gormley-Heenan

Prime Ministers in Power: Political Leadership in Britain and Australia

By M. Bennister

The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament

By J. Lodge

British Political Facts Since 1979

By D. Butler

A Short History of the Liberal Party 1900-2001

By C. Cook