books by subject
European Union Law

Core Statutes on EU Legislation (Palgrave Core Statutes)

A Critical Introduction to European Law (Law in Context)

A Practitioner's Guide to the EC-Turkey Association Agreement

The Euro: And its Threat to the Future of Europe

The Human Rights Act, 1998: The Essentials

The Constitution of Europe: "Do the New Clothes Have An Emperor? " And Other Essays on European Integration

Comparing Constitutions

EU Treaties and Legislation

Punishment in the Community: The Future of Criminal Justice

Constitutional Law and Economics of the European Union

Clean Brexit: Why leaving the EU still makes sense - Building a post-Brexit economy for all

How to Do Things with Rules

Environmental Cooperation Between the North Sea States: Success or Failure?

EU Law (Longman Law Series)

The European Convention on Human Rights: Compliance without Incorporation

A Guide to European Community Law

The Eurozone Crisis: A Constitutional Analysis (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy)

Cases and Materials on E.C.Competition Law

Wyatt and Dashwood: European Union Law

Humans Rights and the European Convention: The Effects of the Convention on the United Kingdom and Ireland

An Introductory Guide to EEC Competition Law and Practice

A Legal and Political Interpretation of Articles 224 and 225 of the Treaty of Rome: Fyrom Cases

Competition Law of the European Community

Learning Legal Rules, 4th Ed.

Finance for Growth (CBI initiative 1992)

Discovering the Law (Law Textbooks)

Repositioning Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice, Criminal Justice and Social Context

Competition Law of the UK and EC

Textbook on EC Law, 7th Ed.