books by subject
Explore the World Books for Children

Civil War on Sunday

Hannukah (A World of Festivals S.)

The Orchard Book of Mythical Birds and Beasts

Building High: A non-chronological report about scaffolding. (Collins Big Cat): Band 11/Lime

Grimm's Fairy Tales (Wordsworth's Children's Classics)

Code Breakers: From Hieroglyphs to Hackers (DK Mega Bites)

Savage Earth (DK Guide)

Harcourt Social Studies: On-Level Reader Social Studies 2007 Grade 3 Designing Curr

Stones and Switches

English Fairy Tales (Wordsworth Children's Classics)

Places of the World (Action Sticker Books S.)

The Barefoot Book of Giants, Ghosts and Goblins

People and Places

People We Meet

Celebrity Secrets: Reality TV Stars

The Inuit? (What Do We Know About?)

Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds - Welcome to My Home: Band 05/Green

Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds - The Equator: Band 06/Orange

Disaster at Sea (DK Readers Level 3)

Football School 20 Fantastic Football Stories: World Book Day 2021

The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt (Bodley Head Archaeology S.)

Train Journey (Follow The Map)

My Best Book of Mummies

Travel Through: Australia

Back To Back: Tiny/Giant

Why are People Different? (Usborne Starting Point Science S.)

The Origins of Totalitarianism: Introduction by Samantha Power

Jack Stalwart: The Deadly Race to Space: Russia: Book 9

An Angel Just Like Me