books by subject
Exploring the Middle East for Children

Who Was Jesus?

Egypt, the People

Colors Of Israel

Egyptian Cinderella

Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur!: A Palestinian Folktale

Jerusalem (Alpha Books S.)

The Arabian Nights

Islam in Turkey (Families & Their Faiths) (Families and their Faiths)

The Bronze Bow: A Newbery Award Winner

A Flavour Of Israel (Food and Festivals)

Iraq (Countries Around the World)

1001 Inventions and Awesome Facts From Muslim Civilization: Official Children's Companion to the 1001 Inventions Exhibition (1,000 Facts About)

Pyramids (First Discovery) (My First Discoveries)

Control Under Fire (Bloodlines)

Jake Atlas and the Tomb of the Emerald Snake: 1

Mecca (Alpha Books S.)

The Breadwinner

Azad's Camel

Three Cups of Tea

The Book of Wonders

The Leopard Boy

The Talking Bird: Band 14/Ruby (Collins Big Cat)

Oranges in No Man's Land

For The Right To Learn: Malala Yousafzai's Story (Encounter: Narrative Nonfiction Picture Books)

My Name Is Parvana (The Breadwinner collection)

The Breadwinner (The Breadwinner collection)

Kiss the Dust

Israel, the Culture

Looking at Countries: Iran