books by subject

Family & Lifestyle Anaesthetics

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Epidurals for Childbirth (Oxford Medical Publications)

By May, Anne

Principles and Practices of Pharmacology for Anaesthetists

By CALVEY, Norman, Williams, N. E.

Anesthesia: v.1 (Miller Anesthesia)

By Miller, Ronald D., Chairman Department of Anesthesia, Care, Perioperative, Pharmacology, Molecular

Acupuncture: Textbook and Atlas

By Stux, Gabriel, Pomeranz, Bruce, Kofen, Petra, Sahm, Karl A.

The Story of Pain: From Prayer To Painkillers

By Bourke, Joanna

The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation, and Disease

By Scaer, Robert

Regional Anaesthesia: A Pocket Guide

By Chuan, Alwin, Scott, David

CAT BREEDING: The Complete Guide On Everything About How To Breeding Cats

By H. QUINONES MD, Ferdinand

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia 4/e (Flexicover) (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

By Allman, Keith, Wilson, Iain, O'Donnell, Aidan

Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Emergency Medicine: No.6 (Oxford Handbooks in Emergency Medicine S.)

By Illingworth, Karen A., Simpson, Karen H., Swales, Sue

MCQ Tutor in Basic Sciences for Anaesthesia (Multiple choice questions)

By Pinnock MB BS FRCA, C. A., Jones MB CHB DA(UK), R. P.

Obstetric Anesthesia Handbook

By Datta MD FFARCS(Eng), Sanjay

The Neuroanesthesia Handbook

By Sperry MD, Richard J., Stone MD, David J., Johnson MD PhD, Joel, Spiekerman MD, Burkhard F., Yemen MD, Terrence A.

Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia

By Barash, Paul G., etc., Cullen M.D., Bruce F., Stoelting, Robert K.

Neuropharmacology (Biochemical & Medicinal Chemistry S.)

By Stone, T. W.

Fundamentals of Clinical Psychopharmacology

By Lydyard, Peter, Whelan, Fanger, Michael, Anderson, Ian M., McAllister-Williams, R. Hamish

Experimental Psychopharmacology: Concepts and Methods (Contemporary Neuroscience)

By Greenshaw, Andrew J., Dourish, Colin T.

Drugs and the Brain (Scientific American Library)

By Snyder, Solomon H.

Ethology and Psychopharmacology

By Cooper, S. J., Hendrie, C. A.

Neuropharmacology and Behaviour

By Longo, V.G.


By Malick

Advances in the Biosciences: Serotonin, CNS Receptors and Brain Function Vol 85

By Bradley, P.B., Handley, S.L.

Valzelli: Psychopharmacology : Intro to


Drugs and Behavior: An Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology

By McKim Ph.D., William A.

Drugs and Psychology

By Palfai, T., Jankjewicz, H.

Anaesthesia on the Move: 2 (MOTM)

By KEAT, Sally, Bate, Simon, Bown, Alexander, Lanham, Sarah

Sedation in Dentistry, 1e


Opioids in Cancer Pain

By Davis, Mellar P., Glare, Paul A., Hardy, Janet, Quigley, Columba

Recovering from Multiple Sclerosis: Real Life Stories of Hope and Inspiration

By George Jelinek, Karen Law

Pain Free Living

By Pete Egoscue, Roger Gittines