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Family & Lifestyle Pathology

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General/Systemic Pathology

By Underwood MD FRCPath FRCP FMedSci Professor, James C. E., James C. E. Underwood MD FRCPath FRCP FMedSci Professor

Pocket Examiner in Pathology (Pocket examiners)

By Cowen, P.N., Smiddy, F.G.

Immunology (Student notes)

By Weir, D.M.

Introduction to General Pathology

By Spector, W. G., Spector MB BS Msc MD FRCP, Tim D.

Walter, Hamilton and Israel's Principles of Pathology for Dental Students

By Walter TD MD MRCP(Lond) FRCPath, John B., Grundy, Margaret C.

Hare's Bacteriology and Immunity for Nurses (Student nurse series)

By Cooke FRCP FRCPath DipHIC Dr., Richard PD

Notes on Medical Bacteriology (Student notes)

By Sleigh, J.Douglas, Timbury, Morag C., Howie, Sir James W.

Notes on Medical Virology (Student notes)

By Timbury, Morag C.

Pathology Illustrated

By Govan, Alasdair D.T., etc., Macfarlane, Peter S., Callander, Robin

Basic Histopathology: A Colour Atlas and Text

By Wheater, P.R.

Medical Microbiology: 001

By Greenwood BSc PhD DSc FRCPath Professor, David

MCQ Companion to General and Systematic Pathology

By Cross, Simon S.

Aids to Pathology (Aids S.)

By Dixon MD FRCPath, Michael F., Quirke PhD MRCPath, Philip

Human Physiology

By Davies PhD DSc Professor, Andrew, Blakeley BM BS Dphil, Asa G. H., Kidd BSc PhD FiBiol FRSA, Cecil

Infectious Diseases: Colour Guide (Colour Guides)

By Ball FRCPEd, Peter, Gray FRCPEd, James A.


By Weir MD FRCPE, Donald M.

Notes in Medical Virology

By Timbury, Morag C.

Notes on Medical Virology (ISE)

By Timbury, Morag C., MD PhD FRCP

General Pathology (Colour Guides)

By More BSc PhD MD FRCPath, Ian A. R., Brown BSc MB ChB MRCPath, Ian L.

Master Medicine: Pathology

By Bass BSc MD FRCPath Dr., Paul, du Boulay, Clair

Illustrated Physiology

By Mackenna MB ChB PhD FRCP(Glasg), B. R., Callander FFPh FMAA AIMI, Robin

Colour Atlas of Anatomical Pathology

By Cooke, Robin A., Stewart, Brian

Wheater's Basic Histopathology: A Colour Atlas and Text

By Burkitt BDScHons(Queensland) FRACDS MMedSci(Nottingham) MB BChirCambridge) FRACGP FACPsychMed, H. George, Stevens MBBS FRCPath, Alan, Lowe BMedSci BMBS DM FRCPath Professor, James S., Young BSc Med Sci(Hons) PhD MB BChir MRCP FRCPA, Bar...

MCQ Companion to General and Systematic Pathology

By Cross MD FRCPath Dr., Simon S

General and Systematic Pathology

By Underwood MD FRCPath FRCP FMedSci Professor, James C. E., Schneider, Claus M., Wetzig, Klaus, James C. E. Underwood MD FRCPath FRCP FMedSci Professor

Troubleshooting Histology Stains

By Horobin, Richard W., Bancroft, John D.

Medical Microbiology: A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogenesis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control

By Greenwood BSc PhD DSc FRCPath Professor, David, Slack MA MB BChir FFPHM MRCPath DRCOG Dr., Richard C. B., Peutherer BSc MB ChB MD FRCPath FRCPE, John F.

Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas (Functional Histology (Wheater's))

By Young BSc Med Sci(Hons) PhD MB BChir MRCP FRCPA, Barbara, Heath BSc(Hons)(Melbourne) PhD(Melbourne), John W., Barbara Young BSc Med Sci(Hons) PhD MB BChir MRCP FRCPA, John W. Heath BSc(Hons)(Melbourne) PhD(Melbourne)

General and Systematic Pathology (International Student Editions)

By Underwood, James C.E.

Infectious Diseases (Colour Guides)

By Ball, A. P., Gray, J. A.