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Family & Lifestyle Renal Medicine

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Renal Nursing

By Robert Uldall

Nephrology (Medical Masterclass)

By Maxwell, Patrick H

Renal Medicine (Self-Assessment Colour Review)

By Goodship, T H, Maroni, Bradley

Underground Clinical Vignettes for USMLE Step 2: Psychiatry


The Scientific Basis of Urology

By Mundy, Anthony R., Fitzpatrick, John, Neal, David E., George, Nicholas J. R.

Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease: A guide for the non-specialist

By Dr Robert Lewis

Lysosomal Storage Diseases: Biochemical and Clinical Aspects

By Watts, Richard, Gibbs, Dorothy

Eureka: Renal Medicine

By Woodward, Stella

Nephrology in 30 Days (MEDICAL/DENISTRY)

By Reilly, Robert, Perazella, Mark A.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine Mini Edition: Sixth Edition (Oxford Handbooks Series)

By Longmore, Murray, Wilkinson, Ian, Rajagopalan, Supraj

Nephrology (Clinical Medicine S.)

By Schena, Francesco P., etc., Davison, Alexander M., Koomans, Hein A., et al

Primer on Kidney Diseases

By Greenberg MD, Arthur, NKF

Textbook Renal Disease

By Whitworth DSc MD PhD MB BS FRACP, Judith A., Lawrence AO MB BS FRACP FACP(Hon) FRCPE, J. R.

Renal Physiology: with Student Consult Online Access (Mosby's Physiology Monograph)

By Koeppen, Bruce M., Stanton, Bruce A.

Acute Renal Failure 1990

By Rainford, D.J., Sweny, Paul

The Clinical Neurobiology of Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain: Therapeutic Implications: 10 (Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain)

By Bennett, Robert M.

The Renal System Explained: An Illustrated Core Text

By Sunita R Deshmukh, Newton WK Wong

Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Renal Medicine (Bk. 2) (Pocket S.)

By Smith, D., etc.

Renal Pathophysiology

By Rose, Burton David, Rennke, Helmut G.

Vander's Renal Physiology, 6/E (LANGE Physiology Series)

By Eaton, Douglas, Pooler, John

Biomarkers in Kidney Disease (Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Applications)

By Patel, Vinood B., Preedy, Victor R.

Kala Azar in South Asia: Current Status and Sustainable Challenges

By Noiri, E., Jha, T.K.

Kala Azar in South Asia: Current Status and Challenges Ahead

By Jha, T.K., Noiri, E.

End of Life Care in Nephrology: From Advanced Disease to Bereavement (Oxford Specialist Handbook in End of Life Care)

By Edwina Brown, E. Joanna Chambers, Celia Eggeling

ABC of Kidney Disease (ABC) (ABC Series)

By David Goldsmith, Satishkumar Jayawardene, Penny Ackland

Case Presentations in Renal Medicine

By Coward, R.A., etc., Short, C.D., Mallick, Netar P.

Kidney Transplantation (State of the Art)

By Hricik, Donald E.

Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology: Text with CD-ROM

By Johnson MD, Richard J., Feehally MA DM FRCP, John

Renal Function: Mechanisms Preserving Fluid and Solute Balance in Health

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine: With STUDENTCONSULT Online Access

By Parveen Kumar