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GCSE PE for AQA: Student Book

By Julie Walmsley

Angina: Cardiology in Practice

By Iqbal Malik, Henry Elliot

The Fanatic's Guide to Sex

By Roland Fiddy


By Wiles, Richard

Directory of Design

By Conran, Sir Terence

Complete Mothercare Manual

By K.S. Holt, Herbert Brant

The Soft Furnishings Book

By Conran, Terence

Chairs, Cushions and Coverings (Home Decorator Series)

By Mack, Lorrie

The Beginner's Guide to Decorating

By Blake, Jill, Innes, Jocasta

Passion for Colour: Designer Knitting with Natural Dyes

By Burnett, Sarah

Tricia Guild's New Soft Furnishings

By Guild, Tricia, Bradshaw, Joanna, Montgomery, David

Simply French: Painted Furniture Patterns

By Innes, Jocasta, Walton, Stewart

Terence Conran's DIY by Design

By Conran, Sir Terence

Making the Most of Storage

By Hilliard, Elizabeth

Soft Furnishings and Finishing Touches (Creative Projects for the Home)

By Bird, Julia, Tryde, Pia


By Cater, W., Crabtree, S., No Author.

Management of the Menopause: Annual Review 1998

By Studd, John W. W.

An Atlas of the Menopause (Encyclopedia of Visual Medicine Series)

By Malcolm I. Whitehead, S.I.J Whitcroft

An Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Encyclopedia of Visual Medicine Series)

By R.W. Steele, J.W. Bass, Steele, R.W., Bass, J.W.

Breathe Better, Feel Better

By Howard Kent

How to Survive as a Working Mother

By Judith M. Steiner

Alcohol and Other Drugs: A World Faiths Perspective (Beliefs & Values)

HONEY: From Hive to Honey Pot

By Style, Sue, Evernden, Graham

ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE: The Encyclopedia of Choices in Healing

By Kristin Olsen

Beeton's Book of Household Management

By Beeton, Mrs.

Stress an Owner's Manual: Positive Techniques for Taking Charge of Your Life

By Arthur Rowshan

Victorian Catalogue of Household Goods, The

By Bosomworth, Dorothy Drybrough

Town and Country Kitchens (Collecting for Pleasure S.)

By Curtis, Tony

Letting Go of Loneliness: A Positive Approach

By Gina Levette

Lazy Learning: Making the Most of the Brains You Were Born with

By Diana Beaver