books by subject
Fantasy Adventure for Children


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: 2/7 (Harry Potter, 2)

The BFG (Dahl Fiction)

Beast Quest: Battle of the Beasts: Amictus vs Tagus: Book 2

The Not-So-Jolly Roger #2

It's All Greek to Me #8

Tut, Tut #6

Sam Samurai #10

The Shamer's Daughter: Book 1

The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns: Book 2

Losing the Plot (Mel Beeby, Agent Angel): No. 2

The Otter Who Wanted to Know (Jill Tomlinson's Favourite Animal Tales)


The Fairy Detective Agency: Operation Bunny

Spook's: I Am Grimalkin: Book 9

The Cuckoo Tree

Children of the Lamp: #7 Grave Robbers of Ghengis Khan

The Stolen Lake

Children of the Lamp: #5 Eye of the Forest

Winging it

I Believe in Unicorns

The Fate in the Box

The Swarm Descends (Ferals, Book 2)


Brer Rabbit Story Collection

The Lives of Christopher Chant (The Chrestomanci Series, Book 4)

Sea Quest: Stengor the Crab Monster: Special 1

The Burning Maze (The Trials of Apollo Book 3)

Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods