books by subject
Fantasy & Horror for Young Adults

Stolen Night

Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There (Puffin Classics)

Aliens Love Underpants Collection Series 6 Books Set by Claire Freedman & Ben Cort (Aliens Love Underpants, Pirates, Dinosaurs, Monsters, Panta Claus & Save the World)

Ronja, The Robber's Daughter

Under Fragile Stone

My Secret Unicorn: Twilight Magic

George's Marvellous Medicine

Mrs Frisby and the Rats Of NIMH (New Windmills KS3)

The Harsh Cry of the Heron

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More

Tiger's Tales Band 10/White by Morgan, Michaela ( Author ) ON Sep-01-2005, Paperback

The Last Battle (The Chronicles of Narnia)

Artemis Fowl

The Sable Quean

The Fellowship of the Ring (Collins Modern Classics): Fellowship of the Ring Vol 1 (The Lord of the Rings)


Mojo and Weeza and the New Hat: This fantasy story is about two monkeys, who look smart in their new clothes. (Collins Big Cat)

Let Sleeping Sea-Monsters Lie: and Other Cautionary Tales

The Lost Child's Quest

Condemnation (War of the Spider Queen, 3)

Roald Dahl Collection 16 Books Box Set: Pakiet

Dom's Dragon - Read it Yourself with Ladybird Level 2

Roald Dahl Phizz Whizzing Collection 15 copy new look (Yellow)

Noah's Gold

The Train to Impossible Places (Train to Impossible Places #1)

Here be Monsters!

The Claws of Evil (The Battles of Ben Kingdom)

The Tiara Club: Princess Ruby and the Enchanted Whale: Book 27

The Lives of Christopher Chant (The Chrestomanci Series, Book 4)