books by subject
Fantasy & Horror

No Such Thing as Dragons

The Whispers of Wilderwood Hall

The Fire Eternal (The Last Dragon Chronicles)

Ms Wiz Banned

Favourite Classics: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table


The Blackhope Enigma (The Blackhope Trilogy)

Talon (The Talon Saga - Book 1)

The Man Who Stole a Planet (Captain Valiant and Me)

The Ogre of Rashomon and Other Stories (Scary Fairy Stories)

The Islands of the Blessed (Volume 3)


Ironside (Modern Tale of Faerie)

Salem Witch Tryouts

Frightfully Friendly Ghosties

The Viking Sagas: Bracelet of Bones: Book 1

Curse of the Rat-beast (Spook School): Bk. 2

The Crowham Martyrs

Frog and the Sandspiders of Aridian


Princess Leah and the Golden Seahorse (The Tiara Club at Emerald Castle # 26)

The Dancing Stones (Solos)

Saffron the Yellow Fairy: 3 (Rainbow Magic): 5

The Rough Guide to The Lord of the Rings

Princess Stories (Read-along Books): Sing-along Books

The Night of the Kelpies (Reloaded)


I, Coriander
