books by subject
Far Eastern Politics

Personal Rule in Black Africa: Prince, Autocrat, Prophet, Tyrant

The United States, Japan, and Asia: Challenges for U.S. Policy

The Political Future of Hong Kong: Democracy within communist China

The Government of the Qin and Han Empires: 221 BCE - 220 CE

Perspectives on Work, Employment and Society in Japan

The Political Economy of China's Systemic Transformation: 1979 to the Present

The Core of Japanese Democracy: Latent Interparty Politics

Three Medieval Queens: Queenship and the Crown in Fourteenth-Century England

Critical Discourse Analysis in Historiography: The Case of Hong Kong's Evolving Political Identity

The Cultural Revolution: A People's History, 1962-1976

Introducing East Asia: History, Politics, Economy and Society

East and West: China, Power, and the Future of Asia

China's Ascent: Power, Security, and the Future of International Politics

The Great Firewall of China: How to Build and Control an Alternative Version of the Internet


The Tragedy of Liberation: A History of the Chinese Revolution 1945-1957

Modern China

China into Africa: Trade, Aid, and Influence

Same Bed, Different Dreams: Managing U.S.- China Relations, 1989-2000

A Flavour Of China

Taste of Japan

Global Governance and Japan: The Institutional Architecture

Arms Control after Iraq: Normative and Operational Challenges

China in the 1920s: Nationalism and Revolution (A History of Modern China)

Deng Xiaoping And the Making of Modern China

The Chinese: Portrait of a people

Britain and Japan, 1859-1991: Themes and Personalities

Fire in the Lake: The Vietnamese and the Americans in Vietnam

Brother Number One: A Political Biography Of Pol Pot