books by subject
Fiction About Diseases for Children

The Island at the End of Everything: from the bestselling author of The Girl of Ink & Stars

What Katy Did: 1 (Scholastic Classics)

Fuzzy Mud

Topsy and Tim: Visit London (Topsy & Tim)

Topsy and Tim: Go to the Doctor (Topsy & Tim)

The Yucky Yodelling Yeti: Book 3 (Monster Hospital)

Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox

Why Did Grandma Put Her Underwear in the Refrigerator?: An Explanation of Alzheimer's Disease for Children

Titchy-Witch and the Get-better Spell (Titchy-Witch)

Liar and Spy

Daisy and the Trouble with Life (Daisy Fiction)

The Honest Truth

The Secret Garden (Scholastic Classics)

All Better!: Magic Stethoscope Storybook (Doc McStuffins)


Circus Mirandus

Dr Duck

Jim's Lion

The Bubble Boy


El Deafo

Jim's Lion


Charlie and Lola: I'm Really Ever So Not Well

Pig-Heart Boy

Mog and the V.E.T. (Mog the Cat Books)

Dear Olly


The Forever Whale