books by subject
Fiction About Prejudice & Racism for Children

A Treasury of Jewish Stories (A treasury of stories)

House of Spies

Snow Maze (Sprinters)

Roar, Bull, Roar! (Czech Mate Mysteries)

Wasim the Wanderer

Read Write Inc. Comprehension: The Gift of the Sun

Barack Obama: The Making of a President


Julian's Glorious Summer

Chapatti Moon: Pippa Goodhart


Tall Story

Apple Cake & Baklava

A Balloon For Grandad (Orchard Picturebooks)

Taller Than Before (Clipper Street S.)

Just Don't Make a Scene, Mum! (Leehampton) (Leehampton)

Forgiveness and Other Matters

Amazing Spiders (Amazing worlds)

One of Us

The Island at the End of Everything: from the bestselling author of The Girl of Ink & Stars

Greed, Seeds and Slavery

Greed, Seeds and Slavery

A Question of Courage

Mother's Rights

Something Special (Orchard Picturebooks)

Street of Tall People (Dolphin Books)

Girl In Red

Pictures from the Fire

Malorie Blackman Biography (Black Star Series)