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Fluid Mechanics

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Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations: 12 (ERCOFTAC Series, 12)

By Meyers, Johan, Geurts, Bernard, Sagaut, Pierre

Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids

By Currie, Iain George

Fundamentals and Applications of Microfluidics (Artech House microelectromechanical systems series)

By Nguyen, Nam-Trung, Wereley, Steven T.

Modern Fluid Dynamics: Compressible Flow v. 2

By Curle, Newby, Davies, Hubert John

Schaum's Outline of Fluid Mechanics (Schaum's Outlines)

By Potter, Merle

Whitaker's Almanack: 2011

By Gayev, Yevgeny A., Hunt, Julian C.R., Joseph Whitaker

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

By Anderson, John D.

Elementary Fluid Dynamics

By D. J. Acheson

The Ganga: Water Use in the Indian Subcontinent: 64 (Water Science and Technology Library, 64)

By Parua, Pranab Kumar

Upscaling Multiphase Flow in Porous Media: From Pore to Core and Beyond

By Das, D.B., Hassanizadeh, S.M.

Electromagnetic Processing of Materials: Materials Processing by Using Electric and Magnetic Functions: 99 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 99)

By Asai, Shigeo

Physics of Transitional Shear Flows: Instability and Laminar–Turbulent Transition in Incompressible Near-Wall Shear Layers: 98 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 98)

By Boiko, Andrey V., Dovgal, Alexander V., Grek, Genrih R., Kozlov, Victor V.

Fundamentals in Air Pollution: From Processes to Modelling

By Sportisse, Bruno

Challenges in Fluid Dynamics: A New Approach

By Zeytounian, R.Kh.

The Aero- and Hydromechanics of Keel Yachts

By Slooff, J.W.

Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics: 50 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 50)

By Gelfgat, Alexander

ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium: New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and Fluids: 14 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 14)

By Eberhardsteiner, Josef, Hellmich, Christian, Mang, Herbert A., Periaux, Jacques

Quality and Reliability of Large-Eddy Simulations II: 16 (ERCOFTAC Series, 16)

By Salvetti, Maria Vittoria, Geurts, Bernard, Meyers, Johan, Sagaut, Pierre

New Approaches in Modeling Multiphase Flows and Dispersion in Turbulence, Fractal Methods and Synthetic Turbulence: 18 (ERCOFTAC Series, 18)

By Nicolleau, F.C.G.A., Cambon, C., Redondo, J.-M., Vassilicos, J.C., Reeks, M., Nowakowski, A.F.

Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Diluted Spray Turbulent Combustion: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion: 17 (ERCOFTAC Series, 17)

By Merci, Bart, Roekaerts, Dirk, SADIKI, AMSINI

Convection in Fluids: A Rational Analysis and Asymptotic Modelling: 90 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 90)

By Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh.

Added Masses of Ship Structures: 88 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 88)

By Korotkin, Alexandr I.

Sixth IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition: Proceedings of the Sixth IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Bangalore, India, 2004: 78 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 78...

By Govindarajan, Rama

Modern Fluid Dynamics: Basic Theory and Selected Applications in Macro- and Micro-Fluidics: 87 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 87)

By Kleinstreuer, Clement

Engineering Fluid Mechanics: 85 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 85)

By Yamaguchi, H.

IUTAM Symposium on Physicochemical and Electromechanical, Interactions in Porous Media: 125 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 125)

By Huyghe, Jacques, Raats, Peter A.C., Cowin, Stephen C.

Nonlinear Processes in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: A tribute to the scientific work of Pedro Ripa

By Velasco Fuentes, O.U., Sheinbaum, J., Ochoa

Vortex Rings and Jets: Recent Developments in Near-Field Dynamics: 111 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 111)

By New, Daniel T. H., Yu, Simon C. M.

Advanced Experimental and Numerical Techniques for Cavitation Erosion Prediction: 106 (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, 106)

By Kim, Ki-Han, Chahine, Georges, Franc, Jean-Pierre, Karimi, Ayat

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows (Soft and Biological Matter)

By Mauri, Roberto