books by subject
Folk Music

The Captain's Apprentice: Ralph Vaughan Williams and the Story of a Folk Song

Firenze: La Citta E La Musica

South To Louisiana: The Music of the Cajun Bayous


Oranges and Lemons: Rhymes from Past Times

And a Voice to Sing with

The Oxford Book of Italian Madrigals

Reckless Daughter: A Portrait of Joni Mitchell

Bob Dylan All the Songs: The Story Behind Every Track

Dancing Prophets: Musical Experience in Tumbuka Healing (Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology)

The Threes – Three Rapping Rats: Making Music with Traditional Stories

The Rhythmic Structure of Music (Phoenix Books)

Three Kilos of Coffee: An Autobiography

It Gets Me Home, This Curving Track: Objects & Essays 2012-2018

Women's Voices from West Africa: An Anthology of Songs from the Sahel

The Singing Game (Oxford Paperbacks)

Musical Postcards for Alto Saxophone

Easy to Play Flute Solos

Scottish Songs

The Land Where the Blues Began

Culture and Society: 1780–1950

The Complete Gardener

A Little Irish Song Book (Little songbooks)

Fingerpicking Irish Songs: 15 Songs Arranged for Solo Guitar in Standard Notation and Tablature (Guitar Solo Book)

100 Carols for Choirs (. . . for Choirs Collections)

Africa O-Ye!: Celebration of African Music

Selected Poems and Songs (Oxford World's Classics)

Carol, Gaily Carol: Christmas Songs for Children

Mayor of MacDougal Street: A Memoir