books by subject
Greek Mythology
Gods and Men: 2 (Stephanides Brothers' Greek Mythology)
Greek Mythology (Cadogan colour guides)
Greek Mythology (Greek Guides)
Tales from the Brothers Grimm
At the Fireside: True South African Stories
Gates Of Fire
Gods And Myths of Northern Europe (Pelican S.)
Hindu Myths: A Sourcebook Translated from the Sanskrit (Classics)
Jumbled- Tumbled Tales 2 : Cinderella (OTHER GINN READING)
Celtic Tales of the Strange
The Celtic Tradition (The Elements of…)
Aesops Illustrated Fables (Barnes & Noble Leatherbound Classic Collection)
HERO LEGENDS OF THE WORLD. Translated by Stella Humphries.
Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History (Works of Mircea Eliade)
Peter, Paul, and Mary Magdalene: The Followers of Jesus in History and Legend
[The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion] [by: Sir James George Frazer]
Dance: Rituals of Experience
The Universal Myths: Heroes, Gods, Tricksters And Others (Meridian)
When The Sky Fell: In Search Of Atlantis
The Hero with A Thousand Faces (The Collected Works of Joseph Campbell)
Jumbled -Tumbled Rhymes 2:There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe (OTHER GINN READING)
101 Spanish Proverbs (101... Language Series)
Green Man
The Bedside Book of Irish Folklore
Folk Tales of the Irish Countryside
Faery Nights/Oicheanta Si: Stories on Ancient Irish Festivals (Lucky Tree Books)