books by subject
Fossil Fuels

Discrete Fracture Network Modeling of Hydraulic Stimulation: Coupling Flow and Geomechanics (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Chemistry of Petrochemical Processes

Stacking Wood

A Pipeline Runs Through It: The Story of Oil from Ancient Times to the First World War

The Seven Sisters: Great Oil Companies and the World They Made

Gas Chromatography: A Practical Approach

Energy Risk Assessment

Physical Chemistry of Colloids and Interfaces in Oil Production: Proceedings of the 6th IFP Exploration and Production Research Conference Held in Saint-Raphael, September 4-6, 1991

Reservoir Model Design: A Practitioner's Guide

Dictionary of Petroleum: Exploration, Drilling and Production

Applied Subsurface Geological Mapping with Structural Methods

Petroleum Geology of NW Europe: 50 Years of Learning - Proceedings of the 8th Petroleum Geology Conference (Petroleum Geology Conference Series)

Elements of Petroleum Geology

World Wide Practical Petroleum Reservoir Engineering Methods

Core-Log Integration (Geological Society Special Publication)

Fundamentals of Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling

Gaswell Testing : Theory Practice and Regulation

Gas Allocation Optimization Methods in Artificial Gas Lift (SpringerBriefs in Petroleum Geoscience & Engineering)

Global Change, Energy Issues and Regulation Policies: 2 (Integrated Science & Technology Program, 2)

Offshore Engineering: Development of Small Oilfields

Coalbed Methane: Scientific, Environmental and Economic Evaluation

Log quality control

History, Exploration & Exploitation of Oil and Gas (Historical Geography and Geosciences)

Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining

Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring

Drilling Engineering Handbook

Data-Driven Numerical Modelling in Geodynamics: Methods and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

Clastic Hydrocarbon Reservoir Sedimentology (Advances in Oil and Gas Exploration & Production)

The Impact of Mining on the Landscape: A Study of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin in Poland (Environmental Science and Engineering)