books by subject
French Poetry

The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc: A Play

Selected Poems 1988-2013

French Love Poems

The Flowers of Evil

Les Fleurs Du Mal (The Flowers of Evil): The Award-Winning Translation

Selected Poems: with parallel French text

Zazie in the Metro

Gravitations / Debarcarderes


Illuminations: Prose poems

Selected Poems

Selected Poems

Sur les pas de Gitta M.

Ariel (Faber Poetry)

Literary Debate: Texts and Contexts: Postwar French Thought: 2

The Flowers of Evil

A Season in Hell (Penguin 60s Classics)

The Negritude Poets (Classic Reprint Series)


Arthurian Romances (Penguin Classics)

Perceval: The Story of the Grail

Tall Tales and Wee Stories: The Best of Billy Connolly

Émaux et Camées (Poesie)

Les Fleurs du Mal

Maldoror and Poems (Penguin Classics)

Paris Spleen (New Directions Paperbook): 1869: 294

Black, French and African: Life of Leopold Sedar Senghor

La Chanson de Roland

Selected Poems (Penguin Classics)