books by subject
Random House French-English English-French Dictionary
Berlitz Junior French Language Course
Handbook of Commercial French
The Lark (Twentieth Century Texts)
Huis Clos (Twentieth Century Texts)
An Anthology of Second World War French Poetry (20th Century Texts, French S.)
Moderato Cantabile (Twentieth Century Texts)
France Today: Introductory Studies
La Place (Twentieth Century Texts)
Thinking Translation: A Course in Translation Method: French to English
French: From Dialect to Standard
Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide to Grammar and Usage (Modern Grammars)
Teaching Modern Languages (Open University)
The New Critical Idiom : Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form
The Nineteenth-Century Novel: Realisms
Thinking French Translation: A Course in Translation Method: French to English (Thinking Translation)
Colloquial French 2: The Next step in Language Learning (Colloquial Series)
Dentelliere, La (20th Century Texts, French S.)
Anthologie (Methuen's Twentieth Century French Texts)
Jealousy (20th Century Texts, French S.)
Jeux Sont Faits (20th Century Texts, French S.)
Huis Clos (Methuen's Twentieth Century Texts S)
Anthologie Prevert
French (Made Simple Books)
Studio 2 vert Pupil Book (11-14 French)
Studio 3 vert Pupil Book (11-14 French)
Des contes tres courtes (Studio)
Studio 2 rouge Pupil Book
Acces Studio (Transition) Pupil Book