books by subject
Games Programming

Introduction to Web Interaction Design: With HTML and CSS

Star Wars Coding Projects: A Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Coding Your Own Animations, Games, Simulations and More!

Adobe Photoshop CS2 Classroom in a Book

Minecraft for Dummies, Portable Edition

Code Your Own Games!: 20 Games to Create with Scratch

Microsoft Flight Simulator X For Pilots: Real World Training

Retro Game Dev: C64 Edition

100% Unofficial Roblox Mega Hits 2: The ultimate gaming guide to the best new Roblox video games in 2022 – perfect for kids, teens and gamers of any age!

FORTNITE Official: The Chronicle: Annual 2020

Unofficial Roblox Annual 2023: Brand-new gaming annual for 2022 – perfect for kids obsessed with video games!

Insight into Images: Principles and Practice for Segmentation, Registration, and Image Analysis

Hello App Inventor!: Android programming for kids and the rest of us

A First Course in Machine Learning (Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition)

Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition)

Computer Gamesmanship

Learn to Program with Scratch: A Visual Introduction to Programming with Games, Art, Science, and Math

Computer Coding Games for Kids: A Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Building Your Own Computer Games

GameSalad Beginner's Guide

Knowledge Discovery for Counterterrorism and Law Enforcement (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)

Photoshop Elements 3: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks

Angry Birds: Hatching a Universe

Adobe Illustrator CS2 Classroom in a Book

Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VIII: 15 (ERCOFTAC Series, 15)

Computer Games and New Media Cultures: A Handbook of Digital Games Studies

Usability Engineering (Interactive Technologies)

Beginning Android 4 Games Development

Photoshop Elements 2: Top 100 Simplified Tips and Tricks (Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks)

Fortnite: Everything Fortnite 100% Unoffical

Creative Projects with Cubase Vst