books by subject
Gay & Lesbian Critical Theory

Race, Culture and Difference: 1 (Published in association with The Open University)

Issues in Realist Criminology (Sage Contemporary Criminology Series)

The State of Affairs: Explorations in infidelity and Commitment (LEA's Series on Personal Relationships)

Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction (Dimensions in Philosophy)

Loving to Survive: Sexual Terror, Men's Violence and Women's Lives (Feminist Crosscurrents)

Paint it Today (Cutting Edge: Lesbian Life & Literature) (The Cutting Edge)

Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness (Thought in the Act)

Gender: A Caribbean Multi-disciplinary Perspective

Hope In The Dark: Untold Histories, Wild Possibilities (Canons)

The United Nations and the Advancement of Women, 1945-96: v. 6 (United Nations Blue Book S.)

A l'ami qui ne m'a pas sauve la vie

The Woman of the Wolf and Other Stories

Working with Men: Handbook for Probation and Social Work Staff

Eye to Eye - Women

The Ann Oakley reader: Gender, women and social science

Women in Islam and the Middle East: A Reader

New Feminism

Makings of Maleness: Men, Women and the Flight of Daedalus (The Library of Analytical Psychology)

Development Crises and Alternative Visions: Third World Women's Perspectives

Straight Sex: The Politics of Desire

Lives in Writing

Gender Panic, Gender Policy (Advances in Gender Research): 24

The Stalled Revolution: Is Equality for Women an Impossible Dream?

Women vs Feminism: Why We All Need Liberating from the Gender Wars

Queer: A Graphic History (Graphic Guides)

The Second Sex (Vintage Feminism Short Edition) (Vintage Feminism Short Editions)

The Vagenda: A Zero Tolerance Guide to the Media

Queer Theory (Readers in Cultural Criticism)

The Feminist Seventies