books by subject
Gay Poetry

Present Indicative: The First Autobiography of Noel Coward

The Tailor Made Man

Brideshead Revisited: The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder

Nilling: Prose Essays on Noise, Pornography, The Codex, Melancholy, Lucretiun, Folds, Cities and Related Aporias

Irish Peacock and Scarlet Marquess: The Real Trial of Oscar Wilde

The Bees

Mr Lear: A Life of Art and Nonsense

Hand Over Heart

No Witnesses: Poems

My Son's a Queer (But What Can You Do?)

The Bees

Future Indefinite

The Friendship Book of Francis Gay: a Thought for each day in 2006

Pillow Thoughts

Mother's Boy: A beautifully crafted novel of war, Cornwall, and the relationship between a mother and son

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Live Theory

Mr Lear: A Life of Art and Nonsense

Gay Love Poetry

Mother's Boy: A beautifully crafted novel of war, Cornwall, and the relationship between a mother and son

The Sappho Companion


De Profundis, Ballad of Reading Gaol and Other Writings (Wordsworth Classics)

The History Boys (Faber Drama)