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General Medical Issues Guides

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Ethical Issues in Pediatric Organ Transplantation: 66 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 66)

By Greenberg, Rebecca A., Goldberg, Aviva M., Rodríguez-Arias, David

Paediatric Patient and Family-Centred Care: Ethical and Legal Issues: 57 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 57)

By Zlotnik Shaul, Randi

Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Building Answers for New Questions: 78 (International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, 78)

By Valdes, Erick, Lecaros, Juan Alberto

Communication and Bioethics at the End of Life: Real Cases, Real Dilemmas

By Roscoe, Lori A., Schenck, David P.

Neuro-Robotics: From Brain Machine Interfaces to Rehabilitation Robotics: 2 (Trends in Augmentation of Human Performance, 2)

By Artemiadis, Panagiotis

How Science Works: Evolution: A Student Primer

By Ellis, R. John

Cognitive Enhancement: An Interdisciplinary Perspective: 1 (Trends in Augmentation of Human Performance, 1)

By Hildt, Elisabeth, Franke, Andreas G.

OZONE A New Medical Drug

By Bocci, Velio

Fundamentals of Protein NMR Spectroscopy: 5 (Focus on Structural Biology, 5)

By Rule, Gordon S., Hitchens, T. Kevin

Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (III): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics - 2011

By Yamaguchi, Yoko

Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Physiology: 5 (Heat Shock Proteins, 5)

By Asea, Alexzander A. A., Pedersen, Bente K.

Membrane Hydration: The Role of Water in the Structure and Function of Biological Membranes: 71 (Subcellular Biochemistry, 71)

By Disalvo, E. Anibal

Leg Ulcers (Access to Clinical Education)

By Moffatt CBE MA PhD RGN NDN, Christine, Harper, Peter S.

Primer of Medicine

By Pappworth, M.H.

Trust in Experience: Transferable Learning for Primary Care Trusts

By Meads, Geoff, Tricia

On Defining Death: An Analytic Study of the Concept of Death in Philosophy and Medical Ethics

By Walton, Douglas

A Visit to a Hospital (Kingfisher Read-about Books)

By Mercer, Gillian, Dennis, Peter

Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism (Oxford Paperbacks)

By Rachels, James

A right result?: Advocacy, justice and empowerment

By Henderson, Rick, Pochin, Mike

Aids to Obstetrics and Gynaecology: For MRCOG (AIDS (Series) Edinburgh, Scotland).)

By Gordon M. Stirrat MA MD FRCOG, Stirrat MA MD FRCOG, Gordon M.

Tumor Ablation: Effects on Systemic and Local Anti-Tumor Immunity and on Other Tumor-Microenvironment Interactions: 5 (The Tumor Microenvironment, 5)

By Keisari, Yona

The Tumor Immunoenvironment

By Shurin, Michael R, Umansky, Viktor, Malyguine, Anatoli

Tumor-Associated Fibroblasts and their Matrix: 4 (The Tumor Microenvironment, 4)

By Mueller, Margareta M., Fusenig, Norbert E.

Calcium Signaling: 740 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

By Md. Shahidul Islam

From Molecular to Modular Tumor Therapy:: Tumors are Reconstructible Communicatively Evolving Systems: 3 (The Tumor Microenvironment, 3)

By Reichle, Albrecht

Leonardo da Vinci (Routledge Classics)

By Freud, Sigmund

Anaesthesia OSCE

By Arthurs, G., Elfituri, K. M.

Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrology: 36 (Water Science and Technology Library, 36)

By Govindaraju, R.S., Rao, A.R.

Nonstationarities in Hydrologic and Environmental Time Series: 45 (Water Science and Technology Library, 45)

By Rao, A.R., Hamed, K.H., Huey-Long Chen

Sexual Assault Quick Reference: For Healthcare, Social Services and Law Enforcement Professionals: 1: For Healthcare, Social Services and Law Enforcement Professionals: 1

By Angelo P. Giardino, Elizabeth M. Datner, Janice B. Asher, Barbara W. Girardin, Diana K. Faugno, Mary J. Spencer