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Genetics Textbooks

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Plant Culture Media: v. 2: Commentary and Analysis

By Edwin F. George, etc., David J.M. Puttock, Heather J. George

From Chance to Choice: Genetics and Justice

By Allen Buchanan (University of Arizona), Dan W. Brock (Brown University, Rhode Island), Norman Daniels (Tufts University, Massachusetts), Daniel Wikler (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

Transgenic Trees

By Professor Dr. Y. P. S. Bajaj

Genetically Engineered Viruses: Development and Applications

By Eddie Blair, Chris J A Ring

The Sports Gene: Talent, Practice and the Truth About Success

By David Epstein

Evolution: A Very Short Introduction

By Brian Charlesworth (Senior Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh), Deborah Charlesworth (Senior Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Edinburgh, and FRS)

The Genetic Basis of Evolutionary Change

By Richard C. Lewontin

Descent of the Child: Human Evolution from a New Perspective

By Elaine Morgan

Principles of Genetics

By Eldon J. Gardner, D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons, D.P. Snustad (University of Minnesota, USA), M.J. Simmons (University of Minnesota

Improving Nature?: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Engineering

By Michael Jonathan Reiss (University of Cambridge), Roger Straughan (University of Reading)

Evolution: The First Four Billion Years

By Michael Ruse, Joseph Travis, Edward O. Wilson

The Species that Changed Itself: How Prosperity Reshaped Humanity

By Edwin Gale

Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art

By Rebecca Wragg Sykes

Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressor Genes

By F. Macdonald, C. Ford

Human Heredity: Principles and Issues

By Michael Cummings (Illinois Institute of Technology)

The Third Man of the Double Helix

By Maurice Wilkins

Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA

By Brenda Maddox

The GenoType Diet: Change Your Genetic Destiny to Live the Longest, Fullest and Healthiest Life Possible

By Dr Peter D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney

Basic Genetics

By Daniel L. Hartl

Microbial Genetics

By Stanley R Maloy, John E Cronan, David Freifelder

Babel's Shadow: Genetic technologies in a fracturing society

By Pete Moore

River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life

By Prof Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins

A Devil's Chaplain: Selected Writings

By Dawkins, Prof Richard

Microlands: The Future of Life on Earth (and Why It's Smaller Than You Think)

By J. Craig Venter, David Ewing Duncan, Erling Norrby

Control: Now the major BBC Radio 4 series BAD BLOOD

By Adam Rutherford

Atomic Spectra

By T. P. Softley (Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, Oxford University)

Every Living Thing: The Great and Deadly Race to Know All Life

By Jason Roberts

Mestizo Genomics: Race Mixture, Nation, and Science in Latin America

By Peter Wade, Carlos Lopez Beltran, Eduardo Restrepo, Ricardo Ventura Santos

Promising Genomics: Iceland and deCODE Genetics in a World of Speculation

By Michael A. Fortun

Genetics and the Unsettled Past: The Collision of DNA, Race, and History

By Keith Wailoo, Alondra Nelson, Catherine Lee