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Geology Textbooks

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The Map That Changed the World: The Tale of William Smith And the Birth of a Science

By Winchester, Simon


By Silver, Donald M., Wynne, Patricia

Minerals and Rocks

By Brian Simpson

A Practical Guide to Rock Microstructure

By Vernon, Ron H.

Sedimentary Rocks in the Field, 2nd Edition (Geological Field Guide)

By Maurice E. Tucker

Nickel and Human Health: Current Perspectives (Advances in Environmental Science and Technology)

By Nriagu, Jerome O., Nieboer, Evert

Glaciation and Periglaciation Advanced Topic Master (Advanced Topic Masters S.)

By Raw, Michael, Knight, Jane

Glaciers and Glacial Landscapes

By Knight, Peter, Speake, Janet

Geomorphology: The Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes

By Anderson, Robert S., Suzanne P.

Rivers and Floodplains: Forms, Processes, and Sedimentary Record

By Bridge, John S.

Earthquakes and Volcanoes: Readings from "Scientific American"

By Bolt, Bruce A.

Geology of Britain - An Introduction

By Toghill, Dr Peter

Illustrated Guide to Rocks and Minerals

By O'Donaghue, Michael

Changing Coastlines (Natural Phenomena of the World S.)

By Peeters, Judith

Rocks and Minerals (A portrait of the natural world)

By Atwood, Fred


By Anderson, David W.K., David

Rock (Materials)

By Oxlade, Chris

Oxygen: A play in 2 acts (Chemistry)

By Djerassi, Carl

Secrets of the Snow: Visual Clues to Avalanche and Ski Conditions

By Edward R. LaChapelle

Water (First-hand Science)

By Huggins-Cooper, Lynn

Introduction to Sedimentology

By Selley, Richard C.

Restless Earth (Omega Books)

By Calder, Nigel

The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850

By Fagan, Brian

Applied Groundwater Hydrology: A British Perspective (Oxford Science Publications)

By Downing, R.A., Wilkinson, W.B.

The Earth and Its Changing Surface: Vol 12 (World Geography S.)

By Knapp, Brian

Geology and Environment In Britain and Ireland

By Woodcock, Nigel

Block 5

By Open University Course Team, Drury, S. A., McGarvie, Dave, Parkinson, Ian, Harris, Nigel

Block 2 (Understanding the Continents)

By Rogers, Nick, McGarvie, Dave

Introduction to Physical Geology

By Thompson, Graham R., Turk, Jonathan

Environmental Geology

By Montgomery, Carla W.