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Geometry & Topology

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Pass Your GCSE Maths: Measures (Pass Your)

By Andrew Brodie

1 available

Basic Topology (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)

By Armstrong, M.A.

Buildings and Classical Groups

By Garrett, Paul B.

Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010

By Ceccato, Cristiano, Hesselgren, Lars, Pauly, Mark, Pottmann, Helmut, Wallner, Johannes

Introduction to General Topology

By Joshi, KD

How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method (Princeton Science Library)

By Polya, G., Conway, John H.

Photogrammetric Computer Vision: Statistics, Geometry, Orientation and Reconstruction: 11 (Geometry and Computing, 11)

By Forstner, Wolfgang, Wrobel, Bernhard P.

Topology (Dover Books on Mathematics)

By Hocking, John G., Young, Gail Sellers

Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space (Dover Books on Mathematics)

By Akhiezer, N. I.

Codes and Algebraic Curves: 8 (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications)

By Pretzel, Oliver

A Computational Non-commutative Geometry Program for Disordered Topological Insulators: 23 (SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics, 23)

By Prodan, Emil

Geometric Algebra: An Algebraic System for Computer Games and Animation

By Vince, John A.

Quantization, Geometry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics (Mathematical Physics Studies)

By Cardona, Alexander, Morales, Pedro, Ocampo, Hernan, Paycha, Sylvie, Reyes Lega, Andrés F.

Geometry from Dynamics, Classical and Quantum

By Cariñena, José F., Ibort, Alberto, Marmo, Giuseppe, Morandi

An Introduction to Integrable Techniques for One-Dimensional Quantum Systems: 940 (Lecture Notes in Physics, 940)

By Franchini, Fabio

Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics (Mathematical Physics Studies)

By van Suijlekom, Walter D.

Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics

By Vince, John

Polyhedral and Algebraic Methods in Computational Geometry (Universitext)

By Joswig, Michael, Theobald, Thorsten

Jan de Witt’s Elementa Curvarum Linearum: Liber Secundus (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences)

By Grootendorst, Albert W., Aarts, Jan, Bakker, Miente, Erné, Reinie

Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics: Part II. Fibre Bundles, Topology and Gauge Fields (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics)

By Rudolph, Gerd, Schmidt, Matthias

Dynamical Systems: An Introduction (Universitext)

By Barreira, Luis, Valls, Claudia

Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis: Israel Seminar (GAFA) 1989-90: 1469 (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1469)

By Lindenstrauss, Joram, Milman, Vitali D.

Grobner Bases and Applications: 251 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 251)

By Buchberger, Bruno

Lectures on Polytopes: 152 (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 152)

By Ziegler, Gunter M.

Block D (Open Mathematics)

Topological Vector Spaces (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)

By Schaefer, Helmut H.

LMS: 2 Numerical Ranges Algebras (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 2)

By Bonsall, F. F.

The Hidden Chapter: An Investigation into the Custody of Lost Knowledge

By Joy Hancox

Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray

By Hossenfelder, Sabine

The Golden Ratio Colouring Book: And Other Mathematical Patterns Inspired by Nature and Art

By Richards, Steve