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Georgian & Regency Britain History

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A Brief History of Britain: 1660-1851: 3 (Brief Histories): The Making of the Nation

By William Gibson

1 available

Life During the Industrial Revolution: How People Lived and Worked in New Towns and Factories (Journeys into the Past S.)

By Tames, Richard

1 available

The Penguin Dictionary of English And European History, 1485-1789 (Penguin reference books)

By Williams, E., E.N. Williams

2 available

The Age of Reform 1815-1870: 13 (Oxford History of England)

By Woodward, E. Llewellyn

1 available

Access to History Context: An Introduction to Stuart Britain, 1603-1714

By Anderson, Angela

1 available

In Search of History: 1714-1900

By Aylett, John, John Aylett

1 available

A Brief History of America

By Jeremy Black

Freedom of Speech, 1500-1850

By Robert Ingram (Associate Director), Jason Peacey, Alex W. Barber

The London Hanged: Crime and Civil Society in the Eighteenth Century

By Peter Linebaugh

Britons: Forging the Nation, 1707-1837

By Linda Colley

Essays in English History (Pelican S.)

By Taylor, A.

Dr Johnson's London

By Picard, Liza

British Welfare Policy: Workhouse to Workfare

By Anne Digby

Visions of the People: Industrial England and the Question of Class, c.1848-1914

By Patrick Joyce

Mistress of the House: Great Ladies and Grand Houses 1670-1830

By Rosemary Baird

Industrialisation and Society, 1750-1914 (Challenging History S.)

By Tonge, Neil

Inventing the Victorians

By Matthew Sweet


By Peter Warwick (Author)

Heinemann Advanced History: British Imperial & Foreign Policy 1846-1980

By Aldred, John

Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India

By James, Lawrence

The Courtesan's Revenge: The Life of Harriette Wilson, the Woman Who Blackmailed the King

By Wilson, Frances

City of Beasts: How Animals Shaped Georgian London

By Thomas Almeroth-Williams


By Richard Brown

Edexcel A Level History, Paper 3: Protest, agitation and parliamentary reform c1780-1928 Student Book + ActiveBook (Edexcel GCE History 2015)

By Peter Callaghan, Edward Gillin

Access To History: Labour & Reform - Working-Class Movements, 1815-1914

By Behagg, Clive

Victorian Prison Lives

By Philip Priestley

The Railway Navvies

By Terry Coleman

The Victorian Country Child (Illustrated History Paperbacks)

By Horn, Pamela

Wellington: The Iron Duke

By Richard Holmes

Perilous Question: The Drama of the Great Reform Bill 1832

By Lady Antonia Fraser