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Government & Politics

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The Suffragette: The History of the Women's Militant Suffrage Movement

By sylvia pankhurst, T. Bailey Saunders

Amor Mundi: Explorations in the Faith and Thought of Hannah Arendt

By J.W. Bernauer

The Ethics of War: Classic and Contemporary Readings

By Gregory M. Reichberg (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo), Henrik Syse (International Peace Research Institute, Endre Begby (University of Pittsburgh)

The Great Reform Act of 1832

By Eric J. Evans (Emeritus Professor, Lancaster University, UK)

War and Society in the Roman World

By John Rich, Graham Shipley

The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back and How We Can Still Save Humanity

By Lovelock, James

The Business of Government

By Dennis J. Derbyshire

Immaculate Warfare: Participants Reflect on the Air Campaigns over Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq

By Stephen D. Wrage

Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations

By Walzer, Michael

George Lawson's 'Politica' and the English Revolution

By Conal Condren

Managing Leviathan: Environmental Politics and the Administrative State

By Robert Paehlke, Douglas Torgerson

Economic Analysis for Ecosystem-Based Management: Applications to Marine and Coastal Environments

By Daniel Holland, James Sanchirico, Robert Johnston, Deepak Jogleka

The Last British Dambuster

By George 'Johnny' Johnson

Battles of the Bible

By Chaim Herzog, Mordechai Gichon

A Revolution in Kindness: Fierce, Tenacious and Visionary Views on Kindness by Annie Lennox, Ralph Nader, Melanie Griffith, Watne Hemingway, Angelina Jolie, Matthew Fox and Many More

By Anita Roddick, Steve Chambers

Managing Strategy

By David Watson

Managing Strategy

By David Watson

A Woman of Firsts: The true story of the midwife who built a hospital and changed the world - A BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week

By Ismail, Edna Adan, Holden, Wendy

The Soldiers Story: Tales From Within The Sas

By Ramsay, Jack, Jack Ramsay

How to Draw a Map

By Malcolm Swanston, Alex Swanston

The Art of Warfare on Land

By David Chandler

Titanic Voyager: Odyssey of C.H. Lightoller

By Patrick Charles Stenson

The Limits of Educational Assessment

By Andrew Davis (Durham University)

Other Russias

By Victoria Lomasko, Thomas Campbell

Now Then Lad...: Tales of a country bobby

By Pannett, Mike, Mike Pannett

Social Happiness: Theory into Policy and Practice

By Neil Thin (School of Social Policy and Political Studies, University of Edinburgh.)

Towards a Social Investment Welfare State?: Ideas, Policies and Challenges

By Nathalie Morel (Sciences Po, France), Bruno Palier (Centre d'etudes europeennes, SciencesPo., France.), Joakim Palme (Director, Institute for Future Studies, Sweden.)

Social Mobility and Education in Britain: Research, Politics and Policy

By Erzsebet Bukodi (University of Oxford), John H. Goldthorpe (University of Oxford)

Quality of Life: Concept, Policy and Practice

By David Phillips (University of Sheffield, UK)

COVID-19 The Politics of a Pandemic Moral Panic

By Marco Navarro-Genie, PhD, Barry Cooper