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Government & State Constitutions

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The Imported State: The Westernization of Political Order (Mestizo Spaces/Espaces Metisses): The Westernization of the Political Order (Mestizo Spaces / Espaces Métissés)

By Badie, Bertrand, Royal, Claudia

The State: Its Nature, Development and Prospects

By Poggi, Gianfranco

Distant Justice: The Impact of the International Criminal Court on African Politics

By Clark, Phil

Civil Society: Old Images, New Visions

By Keane, John

Choosing to Co-operate: How States Avoid Loss

By Stein, Professor Janice Gross

The African Garrison State: Human Rights and Political Development in Eritrea: Human Rights & Political Development in Eritrea REVISED AND UPDATED (Eastern Africa Series, 21)

By Kjetil Tronvoll, Daniel R. Mekonnen

The Crisis In Central America

By John, Griffiths

Land Bargains and Chinese Capitalism: The Politics of Property Rights under Reform

By Rithmire, Meg

The Breakdown of Nations

By Leopold Kohr

The Prime Minister: The Office and Its Holders Since 1945

By Hennessy, Peter

Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy

By Krasner, Stephen D.

Block 6 (Course Revision and Examination Preparation)

By Hardwick, Lorna, Emlyn-Jones, Chris, Cunningham, Colin, Purkis, J.

Block 1: Introduction and Block 2 (Introduction and the Greek Theatre in Its Dramatic and Social Context)

By Emlyn-Jones, Chris, Purkis, J.

Block 5 (Philosophy and Religious Experience in Late Fifth Century Athens)

By Emlyn-Jones, Chris

Democracy & city state in Fifth Century Athens: Block 4

By Hardwick, Lorna, Cunningham, Colin

Illustration Booklet 2 (Course A209)

Fifth-century Athens: The Offprints (Course A209)

By Momigliano, A. D. and Others

The British State Since 1945: An Introduction

By Ling, Tom

Towards a New Constituional Settlement

By Bryant, Chris

Politics and Society in Scotland

By Brown, Alice, McCrone, David, Paterson, Lindsay


By McLean

The New British Constitution

By Vernon Bogdanor

Constitutional Futures: A History of the Next Ten Years

By Hazell, Robert

Shephard's Watch: Illusions of Power in British Politics

By Shephard, Gillian

Faber Book of Utopias

By Carey, John

Mao: The Unknown Story

By Chang Jung & Halliday Jon, Chang, Jung, Halliday, Jon

Civil Society and the State in Africa

By Chazan, Naomi

The Breakdown of Nations

By Kohr, Leopold

Arguments for Democracy

By Benn, Tony, Mullin, Chris

Federalism and Federation in Western Europe

By Burgess, Michael