books by subject
Great Britain

Before and After the Hurricane in and Around Canterbury

Land Girl: Her Story of Six Years in the Women's Land Army, 1940-46 (Country Bookshelf)
Changing Life in Scotland & Britain 1830-1930

Introduction to Heraldry

Hidden Sussex

The BBC Radio Sussex Guide to People of Hidden Sussex.

The Isle of Thanet Farming Community: An Agrarian History of Easternmost Kent - Outlines from Early Times to 1993

Lowestoft Antiquity: A Picture Book of Once Familiar Scenes (Sea and Land Heritage Research Series)

Caring for Dover's Poor

The Perfect Prince: The Mystery of Perkin Warbeck and His Quest for the Throne of England

Britain in the European Union: Law, Policy and Parliament

Horse Guards

A Companion to Stuart Britain (Blackwell Companions to British History)

Royal Family

Elizabeth's Bedfellows: An Intimate History of the Queen's Court

William and Kate: The Royal Wedding (A Ladybird Souvenir)

Everybody Matters: A Memoir

The Celts and the Iron Age (Discover Through Craft)

A Nation and Not a Rabble: The Irish Revolutions 1913-1923

OCR A Level History: Britain 1603-1760

AQA GCSE History: Restoration England, 1660-1685

The Politics of Courtly Dancing in Early Modern England (Massachusetts Studies in Early Modern Culture)

Culture Shock! Britain (Culture Shock! A Survival Guide to Customs & Etiquette)

Britain: A Quick Guide to Customs & Etiquette (Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture)

The Double-Cross System: The Incredible True Story of How Nazi Spies Were Turned Into Double Agents

The British: A Genetic Journey

Unfinished Peace: Thoughts on Northern Ireland's Unanswered Past

Treasures of Queen Elizabeth

Lady Fanshawe's Receipt Book: An Englishwoman's Life During the Civil War