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Great Deals in Books for Study

Normal Childbirth: Evidence and Debate

GCSE Maths: Foundation: Revision Guide + Exam Practice Workbook (Collins GCSE Revision)

The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations

Wuthering Heights n/e (Oxford World's Classics)

South Sea Tales (Oxford World's Classics)

The Oxford Shakespeare: Othello: The Moor of Venice (The Oxford Shakespeare)

EMQs in Clinical Medicine

Changing Minds Britain 1500-1750 Pupil's Book (Think Through History)

The Shock of the New: Art and the Century of Change

The Chambers Thesaurus

Collins Easy Learning - Maths: Age 6-7

The Pickwick Papers

Easy Learning Spanish Idioms: Trusted support for learning (Collins Easy Learning)

Easy Learning French Idioms (Collins Easy Learning French): Trusted support for learning

Practice Makes Perfect: Advanced French Grammar: All You Need to Know For Better Communication (Practice Makes Perfect Series)

Memmler's the Human Body in Health and Disease

Anatomy and Physiology for Therapists

Classroom Starters and Plenaries: Creative Ideas for Use Across the Curriculum


Anglo-Saxon England

The Mysteries of Udolpho

A Beginner's Guide to Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

Expo 2 Rouge Workbook - New Edition, Expo 11-14 (Pack of 8)

British Politics (Palgrave Foundations Series)

NVQ/SVQ Level 2 Hairdressing Candidate Handbook, 3rd edition

Professional Beauty Therapy Level 3

Business Management for Hairdressers and Therapists

Make-Up Artistry

The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (Oxford World's Classics)