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Gynaecology & Obstetrics

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The New Midwifery: Science and Sensitivity in Practice

By Page BA MSc PhD RM RN, Lesley Ann, Percival BappSc(Nsg) BappSc(Mid) MAppSc PhD RN RM CHN FRCNA, Patricia

Early Life Conditions and Rapid Demographic Changes in the Developing World: Consequences for Older Adult Health

By McEniry, Mary


By Winston, Robert M.L.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Lecture Notes)

By Hamilton–Fairley, Diana

Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: v. 13 (Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

By Studd, John

Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: v. 22

By Bonnar, John, Dunlop, WILLIAM

Treatment of Autistic Children (Wiley Series on Studies in Child Psychiatry)

By Howlin, P

Obstetrics by Ten Teachers

By Clayton, Stanley G.; Lewis, T.L.T.; Pinker, G.D., Stanley G., Lewis, T.L.T., Pinker

Preterm Labour and Its Consequences

By Beard, Richard W., Sharp, F.

Pocket Examiner in Obstetrics and Gynecology (Pocket examiners)

By Bowen-Simpkins MA MB BChir FRCOG MFFP, Peter, Pugh, David

Fetal and Neonatal Brain Injury: Mechanisms, Management and the Risks of Practice (Oxford Medical Publications)

By Stevenson, David K., Sunshine, Philip

Head Injuries in the Newborn and Infant (Principles of Pediatric Neurosurgery)

By Raimondi, Anthony J., Choux, Maurice, Di Rocco, Concenzio

Prenatal Exposure to Toxicants: Developmental Consequences (The Johns Hopkins Series in Environmental Toxicology)

By Needleman MD, Dr. Herbert L., Bellinger PhD, Dr. David C.

Pregnancy and Parenthood (Oxford Paperbacks)

By Loader, Anne, Hulton, Eileen, Mackay, Deidre Y.

Maternal and Child Health in Practice: Training Modules for Middle Level Workers

By G.J. Ebrahim

The MRCOG: A Guide to the Examination

By Johnson, Ian Richard, etc.

Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

By Willocks, James

Pocket Gynaecology

By Clayton, Stanley G., Newton, J.R.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology for Nurses (Unibooks S.)

By Garland, Gordon W., Quixley, Joan M.E., Cameron, Michael D.

Elements of Human Cancer (The Jones and Bartlett Series in Biology)

By Cooper, Geoffrey M.


By van der Pas, H., van Herendael, B., Keith, L.G.

A Handbook for Examinations in Paediatrics

By Nutbeam

Gynaecology (v. 2) (Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology)

By Llewellyn-Jones, Derek

Progress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: v.4: 004 (Progress in Obstetrics & Gynaecology S.)

By Studd, John W. W.

Problems in Gynaecology: 11 (Problems in Practice, 11)

By Tatford, E.P.W.

Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Pregnancy: A Practical Guide

By Jentis, Steve

Obstetric Anaesthesia for Developing Countries (Oxford Anaesthesia Library)

By Clyburn, Paul, Collis, Rachel, Harries, Sarah

Lecture Notes on Gynaecology

By Barnes

Self-assessment in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Self-Assessment Series)

By Studd

Stork and the Syringe: A Political History of Reproductive Medicine (Feminist Perspectives)

By Pfeffer, Naomi