books by subject
Herb Gardening
Gardener's Latin: a lexicon
The Herb Garden (The garden bookshelf)
The Conservatory Gardener
The Cutting Garden: Growing and Arranging Garden Flowers
Dear Friend and Gardener: Letters on Life and Gardening
Plants for All Seasons
Beth Chatto's Gravel Garden
English Plants for Your Garden
Grow Your Own Vegetables
Native Trees and Shrubs for Your Garden
The Complete Book of Herbs and Spices
The RHS Fruit and Veg Notebook
Vegetables, Herbs and Spices: A Comprehensive Guide to the Cultivation, Uses and Health Benefits of over 200 Food-producing Plants
The Polytunnel Book: Fruit and Vegetables All Year Round
Grow Your Own Vegetables
The Potato Book
The Cut Flower Patch: Grow your own cut flowers all year round
House of Plants: Living with Succulents, Air Plants and Cacti
Winter Gardens: Reinventing the Season
Guide to Garden Plants: Heathers Bk. 1
The Compleat Strawberry
The RHS Encyclopedia of House Plants including conservatory plants
Gold Plated House Plant Expert
The Flower Garden: Over 2000 Flowering Plants for Every Situation
Dwarf Bulbs
Gardening for the Physically Handicapped and Elderly
Growing Alpines in Raised Beds, Troughs and Tufa (Rock Gardener's Library)