books by subject
Higher Education of Engineering

PIC in Practice: An Introduction to the PIC Microcontroller

Learning To Talk: Corporate Citizenship and the Development of the UN Global Compact

Modelling Potential Crop Growth Processes: Textbook with Exercises

Engines, Electronics and Related Systems Level 3: Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Series

Advanced Motorsport Engineering

Engineering Design: A Systematic Approach

Product Design

The Death of Expertise: The Campaign against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters

Handbook of Plastics, Elastomers, and Composites

Programming The Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos

Introduction to Expert Systems

Construction Contracts: Law and Management

Fracture Mechanics: An Introduction

Oilfield Processing of Petroleum Volume 1: Natural Gas

The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking

Digital Electronics

Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers: International Edition

GGE Biplot Analysis: A Graphical Tool for Breeders, Geneticists, and Agronomists

Pearson REVISE BTEC National Engineering Revision Guide inc online edition - for 2025 exams

A Level Design and Technology for Edexcel: Product Design: Resistant Materials

Innovation: A Very Short Introduction

Lectures on Quantum Gravity

Complex Variables and the Laplace Transform for Engineers

Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning

Lasers Principles and Applications (Prentice Hall International Series in Optoelectronics)

Textbook of Polymer Science (Wiley International edition)

Intro Robotics

Telecommunication Networks: Protocols, Modeling and Analysis

Analog and Digital Filter Design